New Lines Incoming - Printer Parts

New Lines Incoming - Printer Parts

Behind the scenes at HPI Tech, we've been working away to level-up the business. We're incredibly pleased, starting later this month, to introduce a selection of spare parts and modifications for hobbyist 3D printers - both in-house made and outsourced.

These products will steadily become available through our online sales channels and store (such as eBay and From PEI print surfaces to titanium heat breaks and silicone hotend socks - over 2022 we hope to become a one-stop shop for it all. 

Our range will start off with a Prusa Research product focus, as those are what we are most familiar with due to our printer farm production, but experience in Creality products and other manufacturers will begin to manifest soon too.

This marks the beginning of our transition from print farm to innovator.

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